I've never posted two posts in two days before but I was so excited I had to share :)
Last night I was on the computer kickin' back and browsing the web, catching up on some blog reading, spending money I haven't got yet on ebay...you know...the usual. I had a few pages going at once whilst trying to put Danae to sleep(I am a multi tasker) and I noticed I had a new message in my emails so I went to have a look.
I opened the email and started reading that it was from Catherine Sanchez! I immediately knew who she was and thought NO WAY (the pic is a pretty good resemblence to the look I had on my face after reading her email)
Catherine is the editor of Homespun magazine and sent me an email asking if I would be interested in featuring my Lynda Laydie Bird doll in a gardening issue planned for later next year. She was on the lookout for doll designers to feature and had been browsing my blog. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I WAS SO EXCITED I immediately jumped up and down telling Kevin.
Once I calmed down (slightly) I wrote back to her that YES I would love to!! So she's sending me some paperwork and once I have all the instructions and pattern drawn up (that part is done at least) my dolly creation will be featured later next year as a reader project!
I'm still blown away that she asked me. Ever since I became a stay at home mum at the tender age of 18 and a half I've wanted to be a designer, and use my love of crafting to bring in a little extra cash that would still allow me to be at home for the kids. I always looked at it as just a dream...not really sure if I could ever come up with with my own designs and if I did if they'd even be good enough that others would want to make or buy them. So I kept dreaming thinking ONE DAY I will make really special dolls to sell. ONE DAY I'll design some of my own instead of following patterns. ONE DAY I'll call myself a doll artist. ONE DAY I'll get a blog up and running and show off what I can make. ONE DAY I'll send in a pic of some dolls to a magazine and see if they will feature it. I would still be dreaming of that one if Catherine hadn't emailed me first.

Not everyone who follows this blog may know of my love for the angels and faeries and I very rarely discuss my beliefs. It's kind of a solitary practice being called a witch and as women (and men too) were persecuted in the past for their practices and beliefs some of that persecution still goes on today. I don't hide the fact but I don't advertise it either. Ignorance keeps a lot of us still in the shadows and its not easy to find like minded souls out there.
Anyhoo... I have studied a LOT on angels and have done courses in angel healings and attunements and can teach as well as give both. I do angel readings and 'speak' with my angels daily. Its so much a part of my life I don't even think about it anymore. I wake up asking for their guidance through the day and thank them for being with when I go to bed.
All this year I have asked for their help in making my dream a reality and more so in the last few months. As I've had so much support from people wanting to buy my dolls lately and have heaps of orders for upcoming xmas gifts, the lovely Odette promoting me and wanting stuff for her shop, as well as Margaret's support at Uncle Festers and now this offer from Catherine, I'm starting to think the angels are saying TAKE NOTICE WILL YA!! :D
I'm blessed by the gods and angels to have a supportive husband and great kids who help with the housework (for a fee of course) and older kids who help with the younger ones that gives me the time to get what I can done and blessed to be able turn some of my visions into a creative reality. I'm even more blessed to have supportive friends and bloggers that have followed me and have loved my creations enough to buy some for their homes or friends.
It can be a struggle to find enough hours in the day with all the kids to get everything done but my creativity for me is more than just a hobby. Its as much a need for me as breathing. The kids have gotten used to pushing mums 'crap' to the other end of the table so they can eat and do homework. Once my shed is completely finished over the holidays that will be a thing of the past at least;)They will cook tea while I'm sewing, hang the washing I've washed so I can finish an order that I need to get out. Vaccuum up the baby's squashed bikkies on the floor and couch when I stress about the mess and something I need to get finished.
They have their moments of arguing with each other and complaining about helping out but they're good kids and cause no real troubles. I wouldn't get half of what I get done without their help. The fact I don't need a lot of sleep helps too ;)or maybe I've just gotten used to the lack of it lol
So thank you for all the support from everyone who has followed and is following and my family who help out and friends who support me and of course my angels and guides who are with me every minute of the day!
I'll be working towards getting a lot more of my designs out there in the new year and hope they will be loved by many.
I have so many designs for new dolls and quilts and stitcheries all jotted down in my journal awaiting the right time to be born. And all with a bit of the fantastical twist that I love.
It may be a simple pleasure to create handmade items but it is my pleasure as well as my passion!
My hubby said to me last night when I couldn't wipe the smile from my face "That's why I love you...you're easy pleased"
"Yes my love" I replied "that's why I married you" ;)

I am really, really excited for you Shelley :) I hope I'm still here next year to see your pattern and name in print!!
Congratulations Shelley - that is wonderful and I can't wait to see it.... your post is so uplifting ... and your passion for what you do is obvious always....
Congratulations sweetie!!!!! :-)
I can't wait to pick up a copy of that future Homespun to make that gorgeous ladybug doll - she's THE cutest!!! Well done sweetheart - you are a terrific designer and doll-maker and I know you'll be successful - coz you already are!
I had to giggle at your last comment - hubby was asking for that one wasn't he?!! *giggle*
Love your previous post too shelley - you have been busy sweetheart and I love your show and tell!
I'm going to crack open the tea leaves and have a brew to celebrate!!!
Hugs!!!! Vikki xoxoxoxoxo
Hi Shelley;
I Love Angels too. And I Believe that if you are paying Attention..they give us signs. I think your Right, we get so busy in our everyday lives sometimes to pay attention. I am working on Paying Attention More!
Thank you for Stopping by to Visit!
Have a Wonderful Day!
Oh Shelley! I am so darned excited for you!!! Oh huge huge hugs to you!!
CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so excited for you (o: I'd better get a copy of the magazine, as soon as it is out. I hope we will see many more of your designs in the future!
Congratulations!!!!! I love your doll, and she will be soooo popular!!
You're one the way, Shelley!! \o/
"YOU GO GIRL" Absolutely fantastic...Thank you for your kind comments on my blog..Hugs
xx Michelle xx
Congratulations on the publication! I wish you much success! and that your spirituality is fulfilled in every way :)
Congratulations to you and your upcoming excitement.
As I was reading i was thinking that you are a lot like me in so many ways. Not as many kids but they were the reason I got to follow my dreams. To everything there is a season. Your time to shine.
My Angels are my guides and my strength. I am very interested in your "readings"? Could you tell me more. I have read a few tea leaves in my day. LOL Something passed on for 6 generations.
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you will come again.
You can email me at
Blessings,Pea- whimsical Endeavors
Wonderful news Shelley!!! How exciting for you.
I laughed when you wrote that your children are used to pushing all the crap to the other end of the table. When my six were all home that was how things went around here. Oh the price paid for having a creative mom.LOL!
CONGRATULATIONS Shelley,that`s a wonderful news .I`m excited for you.
I wish you more publication!!YOU GO !!
Woo Hoo... You go girl!!!! CONGRATULATIONS and well deserved as well. Just remember me when you are huge and famous and making all those millions. You can't beat doing the thing you love the most and being able to do something with that talent. I just know this is going to be GOOOOOOD!!!! So, so happy for you Shelley xx
Firstly, sorry I've been such a bad blogger and missed this exciting news..
Thirdly... you are an artist/designer
Fourthly... you are an Angel
Happy Thanksgiving. I will try harder to be a better blogger.
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