Ok... we all set? I have my coffee and kids are happy watching Little Bear on telly so.......
I have been busy busy busy making xmas treats, but for all my sewing I don't have a lot to show for it all.
I made two of Jenny's cute little stitcheries but only one was nice enough to show. The other is burried where no one will see. I did it in traditional xmas colours and once it was all put together it looked terrible...and a little wonky in spots! At least this one looked pretty :)
I also made two journal covers to put xmas recipes in and I didn't like the way they sat so both of them wont be shown to anyone either. Don't you hate when you waste fabric (and time)like that. I haven't done it in a long time. I think I was just trying to get too much done to take off some of the pressure from the ever approaching silly season and just plain stuffed them up! I will salvage the stitcheries though and try to use them on something else so not all will be a total loss.
I made this little bag for Ebony to wrap up for xmas.
It is just the right size for holding a beautiful deck of fairy oracle cards and the accompanying book that goes with them.
I bought myself the same deck earlier this year and when Ebony saw them she said "oooh why can't I get a deck of cards like that?" Well, I thought, there's no reason why you can't....so one present down :)
All tucked inside their own special bag just for Ebony.
In between sewing we had Tara's graduation dinner. I remember her very first day of school....now her school years are finished. She sat two exams last week, one today, tomorrow off and one each day for the rest of the week. Then one exam next week and it is ALL over. I hear (and say myself) all the time how time flies but time seems to be set on a permanent fast forward these days. The days, weeks, months, even years just disappear.
Me (blinked at the wrong time I think blah!) Tara and one of her favourite teachers Miss Taylor...
Tara and Nanny.
Unfortunately Kevin had to sit with the younger kids so couldn't come and she was only allowed to have a maximum of 3 guests. So mum and nanny came along and lots of photos were taken to share with Kev and the kids who were stuck at home. The next day at school Tara was asked about her 'mum and sister' No says Tara..that was my mum and nan! Hahahaha Just wait till Miss Danae starts school..I'll be the old looking mum then ;)
With her best friend Dimitri.....I remember when they met in year 7 and he was just a little boy *sniff*
And with her other favourite teacher Mrs Impy
A yummy tea and then awards
and Tara's school years were over....just like that :( As you can see she was pretty happy about that! (check out all those orbs!)
She'll be taking a year off and then off to Uni to become a crimal lawyer. Look out Hannibal Lecter's of the world ;)
Poor mum will stress with her out in the big world all by herself at uni. Ballarat Uni doesn't offer Criminolgy so she has applied to Deacon in Geelong which is a little further away so she'll be staying on campus.... *more sniffles* They grow up SO fast.............
Then it was back to more sewing. This time for my little girl who better not grow as fast as her big sister....at least I'll have her home for quite a few more years yet! I've been trying my hand at making my little doll some dresses. It was much harder to get her to stand still long enough to model her dress than it was to make!
The pattern is from an issue of Homespun magazine and I couldn't resist making it for my little Miss D. It's so very retro cute! And I love the matryoshka (or babushka as I've always called them)on the front and back. I've always wanted a set of babushka dolls...something I've never gotten around to getting.
She really wasn't being a very good model and Cade tried to help her to stand still....
but ended up just being his silly self.....
and cracking his baby sister up. He is the only one that can get her really going and giggling her little head off. He is her best friend after all :)
I also whipped up these two little dresses to put in her stocking for xmas. My dear Scottish friend Rhianon sent me a link to this tutorial months ago with Miss D in mind. She will look so cute in these for Summer
I love the big bows at the back :)
It was the first time I had used shirring elastic and these dresses are SO simple to make.
I adapted the blue and green by adding a ruffle to the bottom because I didn't have enough length in the blue fabric. I was happy how it turned out. I've had the blue fairy fabric since Ebony (now 13) was about Danae's age and I wanted to make her something with it and just never found the right thing to make. Over the years I have used little bit of it here and there in fabric swaps and didn't have a great deal left.
I'm glad I was finally able to use it...I just love the dancing princess fairies and those gorgeous frogs!
I also have some more dresses in different styles cut out and awaiting being put together as well as more dolls to make my girls for xmas and some gorgeous new dragons I just got some patterns for that I know ALL my kids are going to want.
I have to finish another moon goddess doll for my over seas soul sister Elena with a slight adaptation. She wants some angel wings added to her so the plan will be to get her finished off in the next couple of days. She'll be getting hair when bub is in bed which should be very shortly. She's snuggled up to me as I type. Its actually a lot more difficult than you think to make another doll exactly the same as a previous one. As they're all hand made it is near impossible to get them exactly alike and as I draw all the faces free hand I'm hoping Elena will like her when she's done.
More xmas sewing this arvo with table runners I've started and tracing out a few more faeries for Odette who is hooked ;)
Speaking of Odette she is starting her own business selling gorgeous gothic/witchy clothing and (ahem) my faeries :D She wants about 6-8 of them to start with as well as some more special orders for herself. I'll be super busy. I'll add details for her links when she has everything on the go.
She is also a brilliant writer and has had several articles printed in Goddess magazine and Hekate. She has just had an article on the Fae accepted for publishing in Goddess magazine and has used images of the faery I made her and has included a plug for me and my blog in her article. Many many readers of Goddess magazine to see my creations. VERY exciting news. Thank you SO much Odette for you wonderful support :)
Now I better make another cuppa as the past one has long since been drunk and little lady is now off in dream land so I can get some more creative work done and more xmas gifts crossed off the list. NO rest for the Wicked-ly Divine ;)

Wow... you have been busy. Lots of lovely things to look at too. Great photos of you and your daughter. The little dresses are so cute.... and the bag is lovely, and the stitcheries also... so much work being done. Great news about the dolls... good luck with that Shelley. Wow, I'm exhausted from reading what you've been up to xx
Busy, busy........ those little dresses are really, really, really cute.....
You have been a vey busy bee! Love th walhanging and you made two - impressive!
Oh, kids growing up.. it is scary.. but at least you still have some littlies to hang on to :)
Oh wow Shelley,
I love all your fabulous pieces!
How thoughtful are your gifts?
Well done to Tara on finishing school and good luck to both of you when she hits University!
Happy creating,
Holy crapola Shelley you squeezed body parts in between all that other work! Honest to goodness you don't have to hurry. It's going to be so cool to have a piece of you here. Especially now that you're going to be famous. And yep you sure are a Doll Artist.
So very much to share! How proud you must be of your daughter! And she has such young teachers (or am I getting old?)
Your children all look so happy!
Look forward to see the finished doll! She looks so friendly already.
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