Its been over two weeks since my last post mostly due to poor internet connection that would not let me stay connected for more than 5 minutes at a time as well as the putting off till later which became the next day and the next and so lots of pics to share again this time round.................
Been busy as usual with orders as well as making chrissy gifts. 2 more faeries for the lovely Odette all boxed up now and ready to be shipped off. She challenges me with her special requests but it sure has me thinking outside the box and I'm happy with how they've turned out.
I really like the fibres in the hair of this one and plan on doing something similar for myself when I get some spare time hahahaha spare time! yeah right!!
Odette wanted a naughty looking faery and I think the crooked smile and raised eyebrow on her face say she is seriously contemplating getting into something she shouldn't. I've seen that look somewhere before on the faces of any one of my kids!!
Speaking of mischievious kids...Danae thought her legs looked a little bare and decided she'd remedy the problem herself with a home tattoo job when mummy was otherwise occupied.
In the time it took me to make a cuppa Lttle Miss D had covered her chubby little legs in black ink. Wonder if Kat Von D needs a new artist?
She very proudly showed them off to daddy when he got home from work!
Another request from Odette saw this water/ocean faery come to life.
I covered her with beads and small shells that I collected on our last trip to Geelong. I knew they'd go on a feary one day :)The one on her bracelet I found with the hole already formed in it so it was just the thing to thread up with some beads. (click on the pics for a better view) Her hair is adorned with shells and faux pearls
Another doll all ready to be shipped out is for my soul sister Elena overseas. I 'met' her blogging and through emails discovered we are eerily (in a good way) alike! Even the way we think its like shes taken my thoughts and written them down. Anywhoo she wanted a doll just like my moon goddess Selene except with angel wings for her angel altar so Selena (thats what I call her) was born. Maybe she could be an Angelica?
Lots of similarites as my original doll and some subtle differences to make her a unique one of a kind.
She's all boxed up and ready to post as well. If not tomorrow then Monday at the latest these girls are all off to their new homes :)
One last pic taken with her "twin" on my altar and then boxed up.
Speaking of my altar ;) I had been eagerly awaiting the arrival of a gorgeous spell box created by the talented Cheryl who makes many beautiful goddess related pieces. So many pretties I want to get.. I SO need a bigger bank balance! hmmmmmm wonder if she'd be up for a swap ;)
It arrived this week and immediately made itself at home on my altar. This was one of those 'had to have pieces' I love the whole steampunk look of it.
It fits in perfectly with all my other bits and pieces :)
Oh and speaking of bits and pieces (I was wondering just how I'd add this next bit in hehehe)I've been adding bits and pieces into the boys christmas stockings and wrapping a few small items for the kids.
I made these santa sacks for the boys last year and although I am happy with how they turned out I'm never making another one again! SO much work in these babies and they hold WAY too much...although the kids think that is a great thing!
There are pockets all around the outside to hold extra presents too as if the sack itself didn't hold enough!!!!
I've posted my present off for the SSCS but cant show it yet until Christmas in case the receiver comes and checks out my blog. I can show you the ornament made for her though as this will be opened upon delivery and can be hung on the tree.
Making some more of these and several more of these cute little elf boots that are in the latest Homespun mag (at least I think it was Homespun)
Very quick and easy to make and all handstitched which is perfect for me at the moment cause I have done the back in :( and cant sit at the sewing machine. I've had it happen quite a few times in the past and had trips to the doc only to be told there's not much we can do for it and just to rest and take anti inflamitories
....which make me sick... so I skipped the doctors visit and have been sulkily resting (something I HATE to do) but I have managed to get through a few levels of Lego Star Wars on the x-box since I haven't been able to move!
Kev brought home some beeswax and oils for me tonight that I'm going to play with over the weekend making some lip balm that Kerryanne had a recipe for a few posts back and some body butter I'm going to make and put into hand decorated glass jars. Shouldn't be too strenuous on the back. So 3 table runners, 2 of which will be gifts, are still waiting to be finished.....
As well as these cute little Christmassy guys. One for my mummy in red and making one to put under our tree in green.
I think I'll be doing some sewing tomorrow even if it KILLS me!!!!
There was no pun intended as to the killing me and this pic but it kinda flows on hey... Odette asked if I can make a skeleton doll and some mojo bags..which I'm getting to as well as soon as my back lets me! This is my prototype for a skelly doll. Still deciding whether I'm going to give it a top hat and tails type look or put it in an old lacy style dress that looks like something you'd find in the attic of an old mansion. Think I might have to make another skelly ;) 3 girls want one of these already and I haven't even got this one all worked out yet! NO rest for the Wicked(ly Divine) as usual.

HOLY CRAPOLA!!! I love my angel! Seeing them sit together makes me wonder if that's what happened to us on the other side. We sat side by side then were shipped off to different parts of the world. I'm sorry you're not feeling well. But wow you have been busy and such beautiful creations. Love the tattoo artist-highly talented! So my dear, I have proof we knew each other before. Did you know my middle name is Selina?
Oh and my sister calls me Elena Selena because it rhymes....
What a lovely lovely post! You know I love your work, but everytime I see something new you made, I always think it can't get more gorgeous. I am wrong every time!
Hi Shelley,
You have been a very busy gal!
I lurve all your pretty handmade pieces, I can see Elena is wrapped with her orders.
How cute are those santa sacks and sooo much work? Oh very cute!
I'm thinking your back is screaming from being over worked!
Take it easy my friend,
The festive season is here to enjoy!
cute have been busy with so much sewing......welldone.........
crazy children and least it wasn't the walls for furniture
Hi Shelley!
First off - I really hope you are recovering well... xx Secondly - gosh, where to start?!!! You have been so busy! Your dolls are amazing sweetheart!!! I love the crooked smile on the mischievious fairy - very cute!
I had to giggle at Danae's legs... Rosie covered her whole self in paint yesterday, I bathed her, and then she drew all over herself saying "but it washed off once before Mummy, don't worry it will come off again." What could I say?!!!!
Hugs, treasure!
Vikki xo :-)
Your fairy faces are just magical and oh so lovely. I think I would just sit and stare at all the talent you have.
As for the tatoos, at least they will wash off!! Happy Pink Saturday, Char
just love what you've been doing! hope you feel better & glad to "see" you!
Hi Shelley,
Thanks so much for the kind words and link back to my blog. The spell box looks fantastic on your alter, which is quite lovely. I must remember that it takes 2 weeks for anything to get to Australia from the States. Long wait!
Your new dolls faces are so sweet. I especially love the idea of the charming quilted socks for your boys. Yes, they look like they will hold a lot of goodies-I'm sure they will treasure them forever.
Wow - you have been freakin busy!!!! love the dolls, quilt work and the drawn-on-legs! LOL
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours XXX
I am loving the Skellie one this far, and all my faeries darling are happily watching over me as I write my articles. Thank you for bringing their vision to actual life. I not only adore your work, but I totally adore the lady who creates these wonderful attributes to the imagination. Goddess/Fae & Gypsy blessings to you darling xxxxx
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