Not much to report this week. My sewing machine has been taken in for repairs and my old girl hasn't been co-operating. She's sick too :( I wish they'd ring and tell me to come and pick her up. I miss my sewing machine!!!!!!
So instead while she's away I have been handstitching some small items and working on my gift for the SSCS. According to the rules I can't tell you what it is or who its for just yet but I will show you as soon as I can.
The lady I am sending to was kind enough to post what she likes on her blog so I guess I should return the to kindness to my sender :) I'm easy pleased and love so many different things I won't be disappointed with whatever you make :) My favourite colour is purple but I like most colours but don't like bright fluro glow-in-the-dark colours. Vintage/lace/pastel/floral/victorian/gothic/fairies/mystical/magical anything! :)
I've been doing some cleaning in the shed/studio and trying to figure out just how I want to decorate it. I also want to use it as my meditation space and practice my reiki out there so want something uplifting and inviting. I'll figure something out eventually.
I finally finished all my letters yesterday to hang in the studio.
While I was decorating the letters Ebby was "helping" by going through some old photos and Danae helped by...................keeping out of mischief
The last letter finished......
All together they spell the thing I love to do as much as I can....................
Which is what I plan on doing as soon as I finish up here. Out to the studio with 2 of my daughters who aren't interested in the footy grand final today. Is it un-Aussie to say I really don't care who wins the footy?!! My team isn't even in and I never watch footy anyway! Tara is a Saints supporter so she's hoping they win...the meat pies are in the oven for lunch to eat while the Granny festivities begin and I'm outa here before footy fever takes over the house!

What's worse than a footy grand final? A draw, so they have to do it all again next week, groan. As you can tell I am not a supporter either. Hope you get your machine back soon.
Ugh, we have to go through it all again next Sat! Today I had quilt group to distract me... next week... I'll be in my sewing room on my own I guess! LOL!
Hope your machine comes home soon, but if you like you can borrow one of mine :)
more beauty & one of my favorite words!
You must feel like your right arm is missing. Love your CREATE sign.
Hi Shelley,
Lurve your CREATEive sign and those bottles in the photo are really cute.
I hope you're sewing machine is back before you can blink tooo many times.
PS: I'm not a big footy fan, but the outcome of the Grand final-sucks!
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