Last weekend was horrible...actually so was the whole week... so to take my mind off my woes I sat and sewed this cute dress for my beautiful baby girl on Saturday afternoon and finished it off on Sunday. The design is by the gorgeous Vikki Collumbine of Sew Useful Designs and when I read on her blog that this design was featured in the latest issue of Homespun (my favourite craft mag!) I rushed out to snaffle my own copy. So many things I want to make in this issue but Vikki's design was the one I HAD to make first. Not just because it is such a pretty little girly dress..............
but because it is really useful for hiding those not so pretty items my little girl still needs ;)
and when she doesn't need them anymore I can fit a lot of fat quarters in there!
The issue has lots of cute projects for kids and the next thing I want to make from it is a cute little packback for Cade for Christmas as he heads off to kinder next year! He's growing SO fast!
And speaking of Christmas it is rolling around so fast I am begining to stress over it! I just read earlier that we only have 70 days till Christmas (gulp)!! With 6 kids to buy and make for as well as hubby, overseas friends and family "AHHHH" I need more hours, more days! PLEASE slow time down Father Time for....OH lets say...another 12 months! What's that you say?...NO!! Well I'll just have to make sure I keep visiting Kerryanne English from Shabby Art Boutique as she is posting some great gift making ideas on her blog for her Simply Christmas party as well as a planner to help keep track of all those to do lists!
So I have finally made a few small items for a start to my gifts and made this pin cushion for a very dear friend in America...her fav colour is blue.....
and since I didn't have a pin cushion myself I made one for me too!
They were really quick and easy to make :)
She loves chickens and cows so I made this little cow for her as well
I plan on making something chooky for her too. She always sends over a big box of gifts for all the family so I'm sending some extra stuff her way cause she deserves some spoilage too!
Not only do I have Christmas looming I have 2 kids born in December! Kayla will be 16 on the 4th and we're having an Alice in Wonderland themed party for her. Ethan's 10th birthday is on the 19th and on the 18th my husbands brother will marry my dear friend in a hand fastening ceremony!
This afternoon I made this cushion for her to hold the weddings rings using this sweet image I found from The Graphics Fairy
I put my rings on here for demonstration purposes :D
I'm happy I have made a start to gift giving and I do have a lay-by going that covers a few of the kids but I have so so much to still get done I'm going to be busy busy busy sewing (and flat broke) right up till the last minute!
Hopefully you all are much more organised than me and already have made a great start...(unless of course you are a Zombie Gunslinger and more than likely leave all the gift buying/making up to your wife;))

Hi Shelley,
Oh wow, Looks and sounds like your off to a great start for Christmas!
Well done and thanks for sharing all your fabulous, creative ideas.
Happy creating,
Oh no don't say that word!! But wow have you been busy!!! Beautiful creations!
Lots of loveliness to look at - I love the Homespun Magazine and that nappy hanger too - what a great idea to keep it for later for your fatquarters..... The pincushions are great too....
You are well ahead....
I love the nappy stacker Shelley... isn't it a lovely design by Vikki. I really like the fabrics you used too.
Wow, you have a lot of Christmas crafting/buying to do with 6 kids and extended family. I'll have to keep prompting you to keep you on the 'Simply Christmas' bandwagon - LOL.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
You had the sympathy of one Zombie Gunslinger right up until the end when you SLANDERED him! I'll have you know my wife always sets a budget for me for Christmas.....and then I go and blow it by lots and lots (and yes, on her)! Guess who is getting a lump of coal in her stocking this year. Bah-humbug. Halloween is the best holiday anyway
Try not to stress Shelley... I know what you mean about time... Christmas seems to be screaming up to meet us way too fast. I love what you've been making and I adore the ring cushion. Isn't that a fab place to get pics? Just last week I found some old french perfume bottles and soap labels I just had to do something with! Take a deep breath and know that it will all be okay and it will all work out xx
Gorgeous creations Shelley. I really love The cow dolly- she's brilliant. Cute pin cushions too and the nappy stacker - fantastic!!!!!
Your friends and family are very lucky to have you to make such beautiful things for them.
Oh and the ring cushion is just lovely. They would sell!!!!!!
perhaps after Christmas eh?
Wow Shelley - it looks like you've made a fantastic start on Xmas, to me!!! I love the thoughtful gifts you've made for your friend - and the ring pillow is absolutely divine!! The picture is perfect!
Danae's nappy stacker looks fantastic sweetie - love those colours! And I love your idea for using it as a fat-quarter "hamper" when your youngest is out of nappies!!! Genius! :-)
You're a lovely mum and a lovely friend!
Hugs sweetie! Vikki xox :-)
you are truly talented!
Your nappy-we call it diaper- hanger is super. How clever of you. You are a super-duper mom...
Love the things youare making I have made A bit of A start for Xmas but I have A long way to go yet Happy Stitching.
Hugs Mary.
I'm so glad you linked up your pretty pillow today!!
The pillow is absolutely darling.
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