The Spring winds are a little too warm for Faeline's liking.......
she prefers the cold Winter chill and the frozen flakes that fall in her hair and the icicles that form on her silvery wings.
Keep an eye out for her as Autumn turns to Winter. You may find her playing with the snow men in the garden or dancing with the flying snow flurries.
Now on to suicidal kangaroos :( A large male roo decided that life was too tough yesterday and threw himself at Kevins car as he was on his way to work.
Kev was only a couple of minutes from home when Skippy decided to end not only his own life but that of the ford ute too. Kev managed to get the car home with stuffed suspension and it has been towed to town awaiting its fate from our insurer.
Kevs ok but was in a bit of shock yesterday...he thought Skippy was gonna come through the windscreen! I think we need a school for the kangaroos out here to teach them the road rules!
Stay safe on the roads today........

Hi Shelley - I have been offline with a sick computer so catching up a bit with the blog reading today..... glad Kev is fine.....
Ugh... those roos... I don't know, and there are so many of them in our area. I miss them in my paddock but not on the road. Glad Kev is ok...
Oh no poor Skippy!!! They must be like our deer. But as soon as I get on the road I tell the angels to keep all animals behind me and crazy (bleep) drivers far from me. Do you think they mind the expletive? But so glad Kev is ok but what a COOL car! And um can you do me a favor and lock up Miss Faeline of the Frost? I don't want winter. Put her in a box, in a trunk, add bricks, chains, padlock, drop her in the ocean. That should keep her away...
Glad Kev is okay. We have that problem with roos here too. That's what you get living in little country towns in Australia I guess. Love your fairy, she is gorgeous. I just love all the little details and embellishments and her face! Just beautiful (as always) xx
What a beauty! And even though she doesn't seem to like the spring, the flowers look beautiful by her!
What a shocking story about the kangeroo.
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